
This is related to an earlier post which was on panning and scaling a node graph visualized with Tkinter. In this post, the goal is to implement a level preview function where when the user hovers over a node they can see the associated file in a rectangle that appears. When they stop hovering over the node, the preview should go away.

Additionally, there is a section on writing an update_node function that simplified the codebase.

Implementing Preview File

The gif above is the final product. It works by creating a frame and a label. The frame is where the label will be placed. The label is where the text goes.

self.preview_frame = tk.Frame(self.canvas), y=-1000) # off screen

self.preview_label = tk.Label(
  • Preview frame is placed offscreen at (-1000, -1000). It was recommended to use pack to make things appear and pack_forget to make them disappear. When I tried this, the window was resized to the size of the frame. Rather than waste a day figuring out exactly how it should be done in Tkinter, I decided to initialize the frame offscreen and place it onscreen when relevant.
  • Width and height are hardcoded because I was lazy. They could be calculated based the string that is to be placed inside.
  • TkFixedFont is a default monospace font. Monospace is important because the preview is for levels, and columns need to be aligned for a better view.
def on_enter(event):
        x=(N.x + NODE_WIDTH + 1) * self.scale, 

def on_exit(event):, y=-1000)

frame.bind('<Enter>', on_enter)
frame.bind('<Leave>', on_exit)

The code above is not exactly what you will find in the codebase, but this is a the basic idea. Tkinter has events <Enter> and <Leave>. So, all we have to do is bind a function to each event. When the user’s mouse enters the frame, we set the preview label to the text of the level, which is a member of node N. Then, the frame is moved based on node N’s position. However, note that this has to be scaled, else the preview window will be far away from where it should be. When the user’s cursor leaves the frame, the preview_frame is placed offscreen again.

Update Node

In my last post, I pointed out that the functions for moving a node and scaling one were very similar, and that it would be smart to make one function to handle both. I also said that I wasn’t going to do it because I wasn’t a perfectionist, and the code was only for me. While both of those facts remain true, I found myself implementing the preview function, and I wanted to clean up the code. So, I combined the two functions into one: update_node.

def update_node(self, n: CustomNode, dx: float, dy: float):
    ## Update rectangle placement
    self.canvas.move(n.rect_id, dx, dy)
    self.canvas.itemconfig(n.rect_id, tags=("rect", "dragged"))

    x1, y1, _x2, _y2 = self.canvas.coords(n.rect_id)
    n.x += dx
    n.y += dy

    # rectangle
        n.x * self.scale,
        n.y * self.scale,
        (n.x + NODE_WIDTH) * self.scale,
        (n.y + NODE_HEIGHT) * self.scale

    # frame
        x = (n.x + 1) * self.scale,
        y = (n.y + 1) * self.scale

    # entry

    ## Update Edge coordinates
    # incoming
    for tgt in n.neighbors:
        line_id = self.G.get_edge(, tgt).line_id
        coords = self.canvas.coords(line_id)
            (n.x + NODE_WIDTH) * self.scale, 
            (n.y + NODE_HEIGHT / 2) * self.scale, 
            coords[2] , 

    # outgoing
    for edge in self.G.incoming_edges(
        coords = self.canvas.coords(edge.line_id)
            n.x * self.scale,
            (n.y + NODE_HEIGHT / 2) * self.scale